How do you perceive reality?

There is a seemingly endless variety of ways one can view the world, and ourselves within it….which is something that Aaron Kulik finds quite fascinating. A common theme throughout Aaron’s body of work is the intersection between the endless ways one can personally perceive the world; its meaning, and how that can alter or lead us to new states of consciousness. 

While the early 21st century has been marked with rapid technological progress, and groundbreaking new ways to make art - Aaron has found himself drawn to learning the techniques developed by early video artists before the advent of computers. Initially this direction started off simply from a strong desire to spend less time in front of his computer screen - and back to a more raw, hands-on approach in how he could express himself as an artist.

Aaron's recent work has taken him into the study of chemistry. By capturing both video and images through various microscopes and macro lenses - he begins to unlock a world of unimaginable beauty that is easily missed by the naked eye. It is in this endless detail that we find analogies to the intricate complexity of life itself and its connection to the cosmos.

By looking deep within not only chemical processes, but the nature of reality - what can we learn about ourselves and our place in the world?


- *CTM Festival - Berlin - “Surrender to the Totality of Blackness” (collaboration with Christina Wheeler) - February 2021

- Museum of Contemporary Art Detroit - Detroit - “Infinite Internal” Ambient Video Mix in collab with LSOS - July 2020

- Saatchi Gallery - London - Lost Souls of Saturn “Transmission” Film - July 2019

- Art Basel: Nordstern Installation - Basel Switzerland - Lost Souls of Saturn Transmission Premiere - June 2019

  • - Due to Covid, the 2 most recent presentations of my work have been held as special online streaming events